Thursday, November 4, 2010

Years of Young Life

I remember our Surf Bagels at 6:45 – too hot to be toasted! – and our workbooks at Jamie’s kitchen table, then waffles & making fun of Beth Moore’s sweet clothes & hairdos in the summer. Going to talent shows & chorus concerts, how you stood up for me to come on the leaders’ weekend my junior year. How you told me freshman year that you wanted a baby before I graduated and then how Katie called Ethan your rice cube…So many trips to McDonald’s and hours hanging out & “interning.” I still have the verses you gave to me for work crew that started my own collection: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Cor 2:9 You taught me to be different.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alex. I love my mini-me, my sister, my friend. You were so quiet and hard to crack but being myself, I just talked all the time until you started talking back :) Thank you for coming with me to ANYTHING i did - even the silly concerts and shows and games. You were always there with me and helped me meet new kids and feel young and "in". And I loved when we would have deep conversations and talk about real stuff. I think you taught me more than i taught you! I am so glad I get to continue to see you at church occasionally and know when you graduate I will get to celebrate with you and the new adventures you go on!
